Tennant Biomodulator health links 
Biohealth Energy Systems Ltd Electro Acuscope® & Myopulse® -alternating current microcurrent instruments
How Body Voltage Dictates Health and Disease Dr. Mercola article/interview with Dr. Tennant
Senergy Medical Group® US World-wide distributor
Professional Resources Senergy Medical Group® US
Tennant Institute for Integrative Medicine Dr Tennant's integrative healthcare practice in Dallas Texas
Healing is Voltage™ and Treating Eye Diseases - Dr. Jerry Tennant (Kindle edition eBook) on Amazon
Nutritional products formulated by Dr. Tennant Can be purchased through Senergy Medical Group
Healing is Voltage™ - Acupuncture Muscle Batteries - An Atlas Available on Amazon
Healing is Voltage™ - Cancers On/Off switches - Polarity Available on Amazon