Integrative Healthcare Conference

Virtual online Health Conference (IHC) with Dr. Jerry Tennant!

Dr. Tennant's 3 day Health Conference is now available on online in easy to watch segments! Learn at your convenience! Sign up for a 60 day subscription today and watch as many times as you like, whenever you like!

Three easy ways to access the complete online video library

  • Receive Complimentary Discount coupon code with each device purchase.
  • Training Alumni Pass (promo code) for returning participants - cost $250 US
  • New Explorer Pass - Train before you buy. Cost $450 US $450 is deducted from device if purchased within 30 days.

Start your 60 day subscription today and start learning about the Tennant Biomodulator® and Dr. Tennant's Healing is Voltage system in the comfort of your home or office. Click here to start today!

Integrative Healthcare Conference (IHC) & Biomodulator review - included with each purchase! Next IHC  - October 21-23 and December 2-4 2021

Dr Jerry TennantThe IHC is an important part of our customer experience. A two day Integrative Healthcare Conference and Biomodulator workshop is included when you purchase a Tennant Biomodulator® device. This allows you you experience the remarkable Tennant Biomodulator®, accessories and other equipment used by your presenter, Dr. Jerry Tennant MD., in his medical practice.

The Biomodulator® was developed by Dr. Tennant, to help him restore his own good health after he nearly succumbed to a life threatening neurological disorder caused by a virus that was ingested through his mask during surgery. Visit our video resources page to view Dr. Tennant’s presentation at the Natural Wellness Expo in Texas. These videos of his presentation will give you a refreshing perspective on how the body works energetically and how we can reduce pain and improve our health at home or in the office. You can also watch a segment from Healing Quest TV, where Dr. Tennant is a featured guest on Coast to Coast radio.

Training IrvineConference

Senergy Medical Group®, the exclusive world-wide distributor headquartered in Dallas Texas, now has the IHC and registration process online. If you are a device owner or intend to acquire a device and have never attended before, you may be entitled to a virtual seat at any upcoming conference. Seats fill up quickly, so don't delay and register online-see below. Note: You cannot attend a conference without registering in advance.

A rare opportunity to learn from Dr. Tennant and selected experts from their field who bring clinical, therapeutic and scientific evidence in support of Dr. Tennant’s approach and his teachings. This conference covers principles and concepts of Dr. Tennant’s Healing is Voltage™ theories and practical experience from his clinical practice.

  • Appreciate why pain and inflammation require attention—drug-free, fast relief
  • Get hands-on practical application with Tennant Biomodulator® and Biotransducer®
  • Learn what a body needs to make new cells healthy
  • Explore the effects of low voltage in the body
  • Assess the impact of the dental connection to whole body health—healing begins in the mouth
  • Increase the voltage in the tissue and acupuncture organ systems
  • Understand the body’s ability to eliminate toxins and the negative impact of dehydration
  • Learn how to balance the craniosacral and autonomic nervous systems
  • Investigate why hypothyroidism is an epidemic concern in the US (and the world) today
  • Discover the relationship between acupuncture muscle batteries and voltage.

Integrative Healthcare Conferences for 2021 - For further information on training and future events CLICK HERE

Registration help desk call 214 379-1377 or email

Integrative Health Conferences  - October 21-23 and December 2-4 2021

Bob Moore-President Biohealth Energy Systems Ltd

Bob Moore, President/Owner of Biohealth Energy Systems Ltd has specialized in energetic medicine for pain management/rehabilitation for 30 years. As a microcurrent specialist, he has trained countless pain conrtol specialists, manual therapists and private users on the use of alternating current (AC) biofeedback controlled microcurrent devices.

Bob has worked extensively with Dr. Tennant and follows his unique approach and teachings. Along with the QuickSTART self-study, a copy of Healing is Voltage-The Handbook and video links that comes with the purchase of every device, Bob also provides private phone and online Skype training should it be required.

Further information regarding Bob's background and training expertise can be found on our other website

Are you a device owner or just want a periodic newsletter from Senergy Medical Group? Visit the links below.

Join Senergy Medical Group® Facebook page- Join here



30 years experience in microcurrent therapy training pain management disciplines worldwide

Call product specialist, Bob Moore for immediate assistance or Contact Biohealth to find out how we can design a custom package to meet your exact requirements. 

Our mission is to provide our clients with the best energy medicine devices available - to empower them take control of their pain and health and to to pass it forward!

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